Seltzer Nation is the #1 information resource for hard seltzers and ready-to-drink cocktails.
Our expert ratings, along with our product reviews and articles, allow you to discover new flavors and brands while maximizing the enjoyment of your hard seltzer or RTD experience.
While we try to make our reviews enjoyable to read as well as entertaining for our readers, we also strive to take an honest and thoughtful approach when we apply a rating to the various products we sample.
We take in to consideration attributes such as flavor, taste, carbonation, ingredients, and alcohol content so that we can provide you with useful, valuable reviews that help keep you informed and aid in your decision making process.
Here’s how we rate the products that we review:
95-100 Points: The best of the best.
90-94 Points: An outstanding beverage.
85-89 Points: A very good quality beverage.
80-84 Points: Good, solid-tasting beverage.
70-79 Points: A mediocre but drinkable beverage.
50-69 Points: Not recommended.