Bev Review: Glitz Sparkling White Wine

Bev Glitz Sparkling White Wine for An All-round Refreshing White Wine Experience
Raise your hand if you love a cold refreshing glass of white wine. Your hand is up, isn’t it? Ours are, too. When the sun comes out and the temperatures rise, a cold glass of white wine instantly hits the spot. There’s something classy about white wine, and many people from all walks of life love it. It just tastes refreshing. These days, there are so many canned options for white wine. One of these options that catches our eye is the Bev Glitz Sparkling White Wine. And, when we say that it catches our eye, it has everything to do with the fact that the golden can sparkles. We decided to try these glitzy delights, and we’re back to tell you our impressions.
Light, Pleasant, Refreshing
Aside from the glittery packaging, the first thing that catches your attention about Bev Glitz Sparkling White Wine is its crisp, dry taste. It’s a balanced wine with a pleasant flavor that goes with anything you’re eating. The high level of carbonation doesn’t give you the lingering heavy, bloated feeling that often comes with a heavier liquor. If you’re planning a white wine party, this would be a fascinating option to throw into the mix. It is not just refreshing but also sleek and crisp with fruity flavors. Remember to have a few cans on hand if you’re throwing a party because your guests would want to leave with a can or two.
Crisp and Fruity
Fans of white wine that are looking to expand their horizons will find that Bev Glitz Sparkling White Wine is an ideal choice. It is crisp and refreshing. However, you should be careful if you’re sensitive to a high alcohol content because these beverages have a 11.9% ABV, which is over twice that of the average hard seltzer or canned cocktail. You’ll definitely want to watch how much you drink if you don’t want to wake up with an annoying hangover. The calorie content of these beverages are much closer to average at 107 calories. It also contains only 2 grams of carbs and zero grams of sugar. These are selling points to people that are conscious of the health effects of what they drink.
Magic in the Air
Bev Glitz Sparkling White Wine works as a fabulous party drink. It can be served in its can or a wine glass. Whichever way, you can be sure that it’ll dazzle. It’s even a drink of choice for those cold evenings when you go on a romantic date with your partner. It sparkles and dazzles with its superior flavor, always leaving you wanting more. It is better to enjoy this drink cold. Its fizz factor is great. It creates small bubbles that are a delight to watch when poured into a wine glass. We enjoyed testing this one.
Want to find your perfect hard seltzer or canned cocktail? Try our new Seltzer Finder! You can search by flavor, ABV, carbs and more to discover your ideal beverage.