Bud Light Seltzer Lemonade Review: Original

Bud Light Seltzer Original Lemonade Brings Back Summertime Memories
— The summertime lemonade stand is a rite of passage for most children. As soon as you saw the sun in the sky in the morning you knew your business endeavor for the day. All you needed was a table and sign on the sidewalk, a few cups, and a nice big pitcher of lemonade to sell. And there was no shortage of customers, was there? Practically everyone loves a nice big glass of ice-cold lemonade on a hot sunny day. Just remember the winning combination of sweet cane sugar and tart fresh lemon citrus when you made that pitcher of lemonade in the kitchen – perhaps with the help of your parents. Who would have thought that your childhood business would inspire you to one day enjoy flavorful adult beverages like Bud Light Seltzer Original Lemonade.
Faint Aroma
When you open a can of Original Bud Light Seltzer Lemonade, there is not much of an aroma. In all honesty, the bouquet is relatively faint. While this is not a deal breaker for this spiked lemonade seltzer, the entire experience could be improved with a more flavorful aroma. What odor there is, definitely reminds one of lemonade. It is equally important to note that the beverage has very good carbonation. The level of bubbles is neither too little nor too much. The bubbles are just right. If you serve this spiked lemonade in a glass, you will note that the beverage is rather cloudy. This is probably on purpose to remind the consumer of actual fresh squeezed lemonade. All in all, Bud Light Seltzer has set up the presentation nicely.
Bud Light Seltzer Original Lemonade Has a Subtle Lemon Taste
In terms of taste, this particular lemonade hard seltzer is rather soft on the palate. The flavor is not unenjoyable by any means, there just could be more of it. What flavor is there, provides a nice balance of the tartness of lemons and the sweetness of cold fermented cane sugar. It is a light flavor, but good. What taste there is, seems to be a very authentic lemonade flavor. Overall, it is a very enjoyable flavor experience. And this lemonade seltzer has just 100 calories per can. It features 3 grams of total carbs and just 1 gram of total sugars – not too bad for a hard seltzer and in line with most other Bud Light Seltzers. It is also gluten free and comes in with a 5% alcohol by volume (ABV).
All Around Satisfying Seltzer
Although it features a less than powerful aroma, the flavor experience of a Bud Light Seltzer Original Lemonade is right on target. Cloudy, like real lemonade you might make in the kitchen, this hard seltzer lemonade goes a long way to provide an authentic lemonade experience. Although the flavor is more like powdered lemonade than a drink made from fresh squeezed lemons, it is still satisfying. Bud Light uses just the right level of sweetness to balance the tartness of the lemons. There are no intense flavors here, just a subtle hint of lemonade. The experience is heightened by an excellent level of carbonation. Too many or too few bubbles can ruin a drink, but this one gets it just right. Cheers to summer days!