Polar Seltzer Water Review: Lime

Polar Lime Seltzer Struggles To Stand Out In The Saturated Lime Market
— Polar Lime Seltzer may not be the prettiest or fanciest belle at the ball, but she certainly is the most bold. And that isn’t necessarily a good thing. This highly carbonated drink is more fizz than it is lime, as the bubbles seize control and dominate the whole experience. And what little lime flavor that does manage to break through is more tart than sweet. But it’s still a crisp and somewhat refreshing beverage. Don’t let the bubbles intimidate you as you brave another sip and let the freshness carry you through. Although average, all is not lost on this sparkling water.
Overpowering Carbonation
Some critics say it isn’t the most appealing and others may say it doesn’t leave a mark. But it is a solid option in terms of availability and reliability. And it certainly doesn’t lose its constitution over time. Its exuberant effervescence is its most attractive feature that would make you buy it. It’s hardy, relatively refreshing and a fair selection to quench your thirst on a hot summer day. Polar prides themselves on having triple filtered water that is locally sourced, so it also has that going for it. The carbonation process is a matter of science for Polar. They ensure that each bubble is uniform and the water is free of chemicals that some of their competitors may use.
Polar Lime Seltzer Plays Well With Others
Chill it and take it to a ballgame or picnic. And its fantastic to keep handy when your friends come to party at the pool. It is great to add to gin or vodka and makes a mean skinny margarita. Try mixing it with some guava juice to lower the calories and sweetness while adding a tangy punch. In fact, the lime taste is so mild that it might be the perfect base to pair whatever fruits or juice you want to make your own concoction. Add to a mojito to accentuate the lemony-lime taste with the mint and rum. It also has zero calories, no sugar, no sodium, no artificial flavoring and no gluten. And it’s also Kosher so Mazel Tov to that! And in a world so obsessed by avoiding carbs, this drink is a winner like most other seltzers. Hence you can go to any party and have something bubbly and refreshing to sip with your friends without breaking your diet and without consuming any sugar.
An Average Sparkling Water
Don’t buy Polar Lime Seltzer if you’re looking for a lime flavored sparkling water that has a wave of citrus flavor. This drink definitely isn’t for the lime flavor fan who wants to feel like they are walking down a lime orchard. Nor is it for those people who want an overly sweet drink. Buy it if you want a strong seltzer flavor with a flirtatious kiss of lime and a mild-mannered and pleasant taste. It’s certainly not the best lime sparkling water that’s available. But it’s widely distributed and always a good alternate to sugary soft drinks and artificial juices.
Best lime flavor I’ve experienced.