White Claw Hard Seltzer Review: Natural Lime

White Claw’s Natural Lime Flavor Could Become Your Natural Choice
— White Claw Natural Lime Hard Seltzer is a serious lime-flavored drink. It means business with its clean and crisp flavor profile and strong citrusy notes. But that doesn’t mean it can’t have some fun. This hard seltzer works hard but parties even harder. Despite having an intense flavor with a sharp but refreshing taste, it isn’t uptight at all. It truly has rejuvenating qualities. One sip and you immediately feel a wave of relaxation wash over you.
It’s All About The Lime
Some lime spiked seltzers leave you with a chalky or minerally aftertaste that is very repulsive to many. This one by White Claw, however, ends with a very distinct lime taste. It may lean towards the sour side, but it’s all about the fruit here. There is a smattering of sweetness in there, too, but that is not the predominant feeling you take way from this beverage. The strong flavor is offset by a very discrete and modest carbonation level. There are plenty of bubbles but they just aren’t jostling for your attention. The fragrance is also very low key and serves as a nice complement to the mighty lime flavor. There is no doubt that the taste is completely focused on the wildly popular citrus flavor and the scent is merely the cherry on the top.
White Claw Natural Lime Hard Seltzer Has Mass Appeal
Who is the correct audience for this lime hard seltzer? It will be popular with many because of how refreshing it is and is a popular flavor in general. But Tequila drinkers in particular will enjoy this beverage. While it isn’t a Margarita, it does conjure up the same mood and emotion that the cocktail might evoke. The same excitement and festivity but with a fraction of the calories and carbs. It also lacks the potency of Tequila, so you can happily have a couple without getting overwhelmed. It can serve as a great cocktail base to add with other alcohols or mixers, too. If you want to kick things up a notch, just add some crushed mint and pineapple juice to make a drink that’s a bubbly tropical delight.
The Lime Of The Party
White Claw Lime Hard Seltzer will be a pleasure for lime lovers of all types. While it didn’t get the highest marks compared to other White Claw reviews, it is still a very good choice. It has all the magic of the fruit and then some. It’s sour with a dash of citrus and has a pleasant lime aroma. Never overpowering you or putting you off with its strength. This seltzer waits for you to surrender to its taste and then come back for more. And this spiked sparkling water is also a great party starter. So many people love lime flavored beverages that it’s a no brainer to make sure you have some of these at your next get together. To lime or not to lime? That is the question. And White Claw has the answer.